FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/23/2020                                                              
CONTACT: Ryan Norris,

MEDIA ADVISORY: Bipartisan Coalition Announces Growing Opposition on Issue 1

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1 will announce the additional support of seven diverse organizations for the Vote No on Issue 1 campaign. Members of the coalition will discuss why a constitutional amendment that would permanently extend a 0.5% sales tax increase is wrong for Arkansas and provide a positive vision for budget reform. Registration information below.

The coalition’s members include Americans for Prosperity-Arkansas, Arkansas Community Organizations, Arkansas Liberty Coalition, Arkansas Public Policy Panel, Audubon Arkansas, Central Arkansas Reentry Coalition, Central Arkansas Sierra Club, Downtown Little Rock Neighborhood Association, Garland County Tea Party, and Northeast Arkansas Tea Party.

What: Media Call via Zoom

When: Friday, September 25, 2020

11:00AM – 11:20AM CST

Who: Ryan Norris, chair No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1

Donna Massey, Arkansas Community Organizations

Iris Stevens, Northeast Arkansas Tea Party

Bill Kopsky, Arkansas Public Policy Panel

Gary Epperson, Arkansas Liberty Coalition

George Wise, Central Arkansas Sierra Club

Leta Anthony, Central Arkansas Reentry Coalition

George Pritchett, Garland County Tea Party

Dan Scheiman, Audubon Arkansas

Greg Henderson, Downton Little Rock Neighborhood Association

Joshua Silverstein, vice chair No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1

How to Register: Please contact Victoria Garcia at to register.            

To join, click here at 11:00 AM CST

More information about the No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1 committee and its policy platform will be available on Sept. 25th following the media call.

For further information or an interview, reach Victoria Garcia at or (571) 969-9615. 

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