
Louisiana 119th CBC Summary

Louisiana 119th CBC Summary

— During the 2018-2019 (119th) Audubon Christmas Bird Count, Louisiana birders for the first time conducted 30 counts, continuing a recent trend of CBC expansion and increased participation.
The Louisiana Big Sit! Summary 2019

The Louisiana Big Sit! Summary 2019

— The Big Sit! is a zero-mileage, non-competitive, family-friendly tailgate party to celebrate the birds of your community.
Sharing The Joy of Birds With Hospice Patients

Sharing The Joy of Birds With Hospice Patients

— Donated bird feeders have been delivered to Hospice Home Care
The Louisiana Big Sit! October 12 & 13

The Louisiana Big Sit! October 12 & 13

— Audubon Louisiana, Baton Rouge Audubon Society and Orleans Audubon Society will be hosting four Big Sit! locations across south Louisiana
Audubon's Dicamba Monitoring Shows Herbicide's Widespread Impact

Results Released from Dicamba Symptomology Monitoring Project

— Audubon's predictions of landscape-scale impacts verified by data
Hurricane Barry was a close-call at the Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary

Hurricane Barry was a close-call at the Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary

— Tropical systems are an integral part of the south Louisiana ecology, and marshes and wildlife are resilient when appropriate conditions are maintained. Barry was a test of Audubon Louisiana's current efforts at the Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary and an indication that techniques like these can reduce storm impact.
Drain Smart 2019 People's Choice Awards Announced

2019 Drain Smart Winners

— The Drain Smart Committee announced the winners of fifth annual People’s Choice awards.

2019 Drain Smart Meet the Artists Celebration

A woman stands in a gallery next to artwork with text that reads, drains to creek.
Photo: Christian DeVries

Over 200 people attended the 2018 Drain Smart Meet the Artists Celebration at the Heifer Villate on June 27. Guests talked with the artists about their murals, voted for their favorite art, donated to support the project, and learned that you should never litter because trash on the street gets washed into our creeks through storm drains.

Thanks to our caterers: Heifer International, Lost Forty Brewing, and Moon Distributors. THV11's Nathan Scott was the emcee. Thanks also to our 2019 Drain Smart sponsors: Cathead's Diner, Cromwell Architects, Captiol View/Stifft Station Neighborhood Association, Downtown Little Rock Partnership, GBMc, and Ken & Mary Smith. Support for Drain Smart is also provided, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Thanks to Audubon's awesome partners who help make Drain Smart happen: Arkansas Arts Center, Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, Arkansas Department of Transportation, Audubon Arkansas, Central Arkansas Water, City of Bryant, City of Little Rock, City of North Little Rock, Friends of Fourche Creek, Keep Little Rock Beautiful, Little Rock Parks and Recreation, Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority, The Promenade at Chenal, and THV11.