
Coastal Louisiana – A Bird Paradise to be Saved, or Lost Forever?

Coastal Louisiana – A Bird Paradise to be Saved, or Lost Forever?

— A recent paper demonstrates just how significant coastal Louisiana is for supporting massive bird populations. Louisiana ranks #1 in population of Mottled Ducks, Royal Terns, Black Skimmers, Wilson’s Plovers, and many other important species. Louisiana even ranks #1 in the country for its state bird – the Brown Pelican – a species that was eradicated in the 1960s by DDT but is now flourishing due to reintroduction efforts and nesting island restoration.

Drain Smart Aims to Reduce Water Pollution

An interview with artist Marcus Vasquez.

2019 Yellow Rails and Rice Festival October 30 - November 3

2019 Yellow Rails and Rice Festival October 30 - November 3

— The Annual Yellow Rails and Rice Festival has been scheduled for October 30 through November 3, 2019.
Volunteer to Save Beach-nesting Birds this 4th of July Weekend!

Volunteer to Save Beach-nesting Birds this 4th of July Weekend!

— This weekend, partner with Audubon Louisiana to protect these nests, and enjoy some time on the beach!
Louisiana’s Land Loss Crisis Up Close

Louisiana’s Land Loss Crisis Up Close

— Audubon goes on tour of the Louisiana Coast and sees Louisiana’s land loss crisis, and what that means for birds and people.
BirdLR 2019 Birdathon Results

BirdLR 2019 Birdathon Results

— Weather or not, the competition was on!