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Cemeteries & Churches

Small and surrounded by row crops, these sites are subjected to repeated dicamba exposure. Who pays for damages? Who is protecting them from chemical trespass?

Sycamore, Mulberry Cemetery, Lonoke Co., 7/10/19
Bradford Pear, Marked Tree Cemetery, Poinsett Co., 7/15/20
Basswood, Central Cemetery, Phillips Co., 8/13/20
Catalpa, Landmark Church, Clay Co., 7/24/20
Magnolia, Oddfellows Cemetery, Woodruff Co., 7/23/20. Arkansas's Champion Cucumbertree (Magnolia acuminata) is found here.
Sycamore, New Jefferson Church, Mississippi Co., 7/17/20
Oak, Dogwood Cemetery, Mississippi Co., 7/17/20
Bradford Pear, Red Oak Church, Poinsett Co., 7/15/20
Paper Mulberry, McCormick Baptist Church, Poinsett Co., 7/15/20
Redbud, Lone Valley Cemetery, Phillips Co., 7/5/20
White Mulberry, Carlisle Cemetery, Lonoke Co., 7/10/20
Pokeweed, Gibson Bayou Cemetery, Crittenden, Co., 7/9/20
American Elm, Branch Missionary Church, Monroe Co., 7/2/20
Oak, Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Phillips Co., 7/2/20
Oak, Upper Cemetery, Monroe Co., 7/2/20
Smooth Sumac, Lagrange Cemetery, Lee Co., 7/1/20

Cemeteries & Churches

Small and surrounded by row crops, these sites are subjected to repeated dicamba exposure. Who pays for damages? Who is protecting them from chemical trespass?

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Towns & Yards
Working Lands

Towns & Yards

Rural homeowners lose their gardens to dicamba. Even being in the middle of town does not protect against dicamba's volatility.

University Research Stations
Working Lands

University Research Stations

The 1-mile buffer that allegedly protects research stations is insufficient because volatile dicamba can travel for miles. Both crops and landscaping plants are injured by dicamba every year.

Public Lands
Working Lands

Public Lands

Federal, state, and municipal lands set aside for wildlife and recreation are being damaged by dicamba.

AR Beautiful Birds

AR Beautiful Birds

Arkansas birds photographed by Arkansas birders

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