11 New Working Lands for Wildlife Projects Provide Opportunities for Producers to Restore, Protect Habitat
"This time he was out to lay his eyes on birds -- to visit the Louisiana coast under the auspices of the Audubon Society in the hopes of seeing first-hand what his 1904 executive order had accomplished."
Nicholls State University alumna Harmony Hamilton sharpened her storytelling skills studying broadcast journalism, but now she’s putting it to use to promote the work of Audubon Louisiana.
Kelly Dempsey and Kiah Williams are Audubon Louisiana’s coastal bird technicians that reside in Grand Isle during the summer to band, observe and protect nesting shorebirds.
By leveraging the power of GIS, Geographic Information System, Audubon Louisiana can analyze, store and manipulate spatial data to help translate complex issues to a broader audience through mapping, graphs and other visual representations.
The recovery funds from the recent settlement need to be used wisely—and ethically.
How these funds are invested affects all of us, and we need to remain vigilant to ensure Louisiana-politics-as-usual don’t squander the opportunity the money provides.
Many of Louisiana’s best birding sites are within 50 miles or so of the Gulf Coast.