This article orginially appeared in The Advocate.
Six years after BP’s devastating rig explosion and oil spill, the legal battles are behind us — finally. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier has approved the $20.8 billion settlement with BP for the massive environmental damages it caused the five Gulf states.
Gov. John Bel Edwards, who inherited a massive deficit when he took office, has issued an executive order requiring all Louisiana agencies to support and follow the state’s comprehensive plan for coastal restoration and protection. He also committed to making sure money dedicated to coastal restoration is spent only on restoration.
Louisiana already has invested billions of dollars in coastal restoration and protection since the development of the 2007 Coastal Master Plan: More than 27,000 acres of coastal habitat have been improved, nearly 265 miles of levees have been built or upgraded and 45 miles of barrier islands and berms have been constructed.
This hot job market is expected to grow even more as Louisiana begins receiving its share of the BP settlement fund.
In the fight to restore the coast, this will be our best shot at getting it right. Look at a map of Louisiana from 50 years ago — entire communities have been washed away. Unless we act now and make the right decisions, this scenario will only get worse as more communities farther north become affected by land loss and rising seas.
At the top of the priority list is leveraging the land-building power of the Mississippi River — and the rich sand and clay it carries — to support restoration projects and return our estuaries and wetlands to healthier conditions, both for wildlife and the people that depend on them for protection.
We’ve been constructing levees and cutting off the Mississippi River from its wetlands since the first European settlers arrived centuries ago.
Work already is being readied for two sediment diversions, one on each side of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish — one of the areas most affected by land loss and most vulnerable to hurricanes and rising seas.
Once constructed, controlled gates and channels will open periodically to re-create the flow of sand, clay and water from the Mississippi into surrounding wetlands, helping rebuild the land. That will be critical for a sustainable future.
We can’t short change coastal restoration. History — and future generations — will not look kindly on those who attempt to cut off Louisiana’s lifeline.