A lake where tall trees with bright green foliage grow out of and reflect off of the water.

Important Bird Areas (IBA)

Protecting Critical Habitat in Mississippi
Photo: Mozart Mark DeDeaux

Important Bird Areas (IBA)

Protecting Critical Habitat in Mississippi

Many of America’s most beloved and biologically rich landscapes are in grave danger. From the Arctic Slope in Alaska to the Mississippi Delta, and from the Northeast’s Long Island Sound to the wetlands of the Everglades, the power of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) cannot be overstated. Audubon is leading the way to protect these iconic places and the birds that depend on them, and mobilizing our network of chapters to act as stewards.

The Threat

Birds depend on a diverse range of habitats, and the threats that confront them are equally varied. Grasslands are being replaced by residential development. Forests disappear through the overharvesting of timber. Badly planned energy development has grim consequences for many bird species and other wildlife.

Audubon’s Solution

As the U.S. partner for BirdLife International, Audubon spearheads an ambitious effort to identify, monitor, and protect the most important places for birds. We also collaborate with 19 international partners to extend a web of protection throughout the Western Hemisphere. To date Audubon has identified more than 2,700 IBAs covering almost 400 million acres of public and private lands in the United States. Among them are high-priority Global IBAs—places like New York City’s Jamaica Bay, areas within Alaska’s Arctic Slope, and coastal bird sanctuaries in Texas.

Audubon Mississippi IBA projects

Audubon maintains a complete database of U.S. IBAs that that can be accessed here.

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